Where Kindness Matters

We Are The Others connects those in need with the charities, non-profit organizations, and government agencies that can help them thrive again.

We honor your confidentiality. You can use your name or a pseudonym or number. We will never sell your information. We will never share your information without your permission.

We Are The Others (WATO) is a non-profit with a mission to help and protect the vulnerable in the United States. During this period of profound unrest and uncertainty, we’re making a stand to ensure that everyone feels Safe, Seen, Secured, and Supported.

Need Help?

We Are The Others is and always will be FREE; there will be no cost to you find resources. Rest assured, we will never sell your information, and it's your choice whether or not you want any of your contact information sent to our trusted partners. Here's how to get started:


Tell us what you need

Fill out our confidential intake form by clicking the button below.


Resource matchmaking

We will assign you a Case Manager who will hear you and connect you with charitable resources, non profit organizations, and  government agencies to help you in your time of need/challenge.


We follow up

Your Case Manager will invite you into our online community, and check-in after the fact to ensure you receive the help you need.

How WATO can help YOU!

We Are The Others (WATO) is America's go-to mutual aid network where you will be Safe, Seen, Secured, and Supported.  


Everything you share with us is confidential. We will never sell your information.


Here at WATO, we welcome people as they are -- no ifs, ands, or buts. 


We will do everything in our power to connect you with the resources you need to thrive. 


We stand together for the most vulnerable among us, united by our online community.

Partner with Us

WATO is seeking to partner with non-profit organizations that provide charitable resources for vulnerable communities throughout the United States of America.

How To Get Involved

Here at WATO, we value and appreciate any charitable involvement, no matter the form it takes. Here are the four main ways to help us out and make a difference.

Identify and Introduce

Connect us with charitable resources or introduce us to a person in need.

Spread Awareness

Share what WATO is doing on social media or in person. 


Help save lives by volunteering your time and energy.


Share whatever you can at whatever rate you are able. Any donation is appreciated!

Want to Learn More?

Come learn about How You Can Get Involved.

Join Our Webinar to Learn How You Can Make a Difference.

We host a webinar every Wednesday. Give us 30 minutes, and together we can change the world! 

Every Wednesday at 1pm Eastern/12pm Central/11am Mountain/10am Pacific Time